The first Step or Fall :)

So I realized you need to download a lot of things. Thankfully most of them are free.

Every webpage that I visited asked me to download something new. One asked for Django the other for flask and Sql and SQL lite and what not. I was exasperated that no one site talked about the bare minimum.

I get it. You know more than me but common , stop showing off.

I looked through a lot of Youtube video and realized that people just love talking. I don’t care if you checked the code last night and it worked. Don’t confuse me. Just please help me with the correct code.

You were a truck driver and self learned how to code, you are my Hero ! But enough already. I need to learn to code , not write a biography on you.

Anyways , after much deliberation I decided that I will start with Python. Good Move ? I felt so. Why ? Don’t ask me technical stuff. I am not doing it because I need a job. I am doing it because I want to do it. Just something that I don’t know , and I want to know.

So my reasons were fairly simple. It had an easy interface, lots of tutorial available and what I hear in most of the web pages , lots of support from fellow python users too.Haven’t used it yet though .Still starting .

So that’s all was my reason to select Python. Feel free to add on any reasons that made you select Python. You can write your technical gibberish. Guess , a selected citizen group of globe will surely understand you.

I still don’t qualify , but hey I turned up !


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